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DALLAS, TX — Urban etiquette industry leader NAUEP, (National Association of Urban Etiquette Professionals), a division of the award winning online community, www.urbangirlz.org announces the launch of the Just Me and You…Teen Dating Etiquette Tour in recognition of Teen Dating Violence Prevention Month in February.

According to African Voices Against Violence, Tufts University, the number one killer of African-American women ages 15 to 34 is homicide at the hands of a current or former intimate partner. Furthermore, a study of eighth and ninth graders, Vangie A. Foshee of the Safe Date Project concluded that 25 percent of students indicated they had been victims of dating violence, including 8 percent who disclosed being sexually abused.

“We had to break up a fight between an athlete and his girlfriend last week, and that wasn’t the first time,” says Yolanda D., school teacher. “These statistics and incidences have become common place in urban relationships because urban teens are rarely exposed to teen dating etiquette. They often lack the communication, conflict management and dating etiquette skills crucial to maintaining healthy relationships,” says UrbanGirlz, Inc. CEO and founder Trenette Wilson.

The teen dating etiquette tour, resource central and The Designer’s Daughter novel and play are all a part of a campaign designed to bring awareness to the issue of teen dating violence in the urban community.

The tour will kick off with the Just Me and You…Teen Dating Etiquette Tour specifically designed to empower urban youth with dating etiquette skills, conflict management techniques, and communication strategies.

Additional activities include an online resource central at www.urbangirlz.org, and the dynamic book and stage play, The Designer’s Daughter: What do you Do…When the Perfect Love Hurts?, written and produced by UrbanGirlz founder and CEO, Trenette Wilson. The novel and play depict the perils of teen dating violence. The play will debut in Dallas, Texas on Saturday, February 26, 2011.

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Teen Dating In Firestone Tucson

Grief happens when we experience a loss. It might be a loss because of a death, but we can also experience grief over other kinds of loss.

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For example:

  • The loss of health when illness strikes yourself or a loved one.
  • The loss of our family as we know it when a divorce happens.
  • The loss of a home to fire, the loss of a good friend who moves far away.

Grieving is not an easy thing to do. Most of the things we’re taught about grieving are just plain wrong. For example, time does not heal; waiting for the pain to go away doesn’t heal the pain. Although it’s normal to want to ignore or blot out feelings of pain, this is not what will heal us.

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What heals the pain and feelings of loss is action. And one of the best actions you can take is to talk to someone who is non-judgmental and who won’t try to “fix” you.



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  • Just listen. Try to be non-judgmental.
  • If you don’t know what to say, just say “I’m sorry about your loss.”
  • Don’t try to replace the loss. If your friend has lost a pet, a new one is probably not what they want right now. They need time to grieve the loss of the old pet.
  • Be aware that holidays and anniversary dates are especially hard times for grievers. If it seems right, let them know you’re there for them at these times, too, not just during the time the loss occurred.

See also the section on Counseling. Most counseling centers offer grief support counseling.